One year of clear vision!

Yesterday was the one year marker to my Lasik surgery.  I can’t believe it’s already been a year, but that’s a whole different story.  I can’t imagine what life would be like having to still put in my contacts every day.  I remember it took about 2 months to get to the point where I wouldn’t have to think about not worrying to take them out at night.  After that point, I felt like my eyes were back to normal and it’s been nice to not have to worry about all that stuff.

So, one year later, not even a spec of an issue, I would highly recommend getting the procedure done for anyone who is thinking about it.  I opted for the Custom Lasik, and recommend that over traditional lasik if you can spare a few hundred bucks.  Though there is no way to really tell if it’s any better, I actually can “see better than I could with glasses or contacts”.

I still remember the day of the surgery.  The surgery itself took about 6 minutes.  There was no pain.  It was almost uneventful, which I guess is good when you are talking about eye surgery.  I tried to keep my eyes closed on the way home (yes, Kari was driving!), but remember opening my eyes a few times and being able to read the street signs.  Things were hazy for a day or two, but objects were definitely clear.  Over the next few months, the focus just kept dialing in.

So, if you’ve ever thought about doing it – now is the time!  Best money I’ve ever spent (on medical bills).

soccer fanatic, techie, gadget lover, intel consumer digital marketing for my day job. excited about smart TV's and mobile computing.

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January 2009
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